Frequently Asked Questions

I got the journal at the end of the week. Should I wait for Monday to start?

No, just skip the first few pages and start now. If you wait, there is a big chance you will never start. The best time to start journaling would have been years ago, the second best time is right now.


What should I write?

Most people drop the journaling habit or never begin out of fear or intimidation. They think they are not a good writer or they have nothing to write about. The great thing about journaling is that you are writing only for yourself and no one has to read it, not even you. There is no wrong way to do it. Just start writing and let the promps guide you. 


How to start?

Just start. Many people have the idea that journaling is a fancy procedure that requires perfectly crafted surroundings and ideal mental state. This creates unnecessary contrains. The more complicated your journaling routine is, the more likely you are to stop the ritual when something happens in your life. (It will paradoxically be in times when you need journaling the most). Don’t stress about the perfect conditions, time, how much, if you should read it. Just do it. Start really small, the idea is to build the habit and momentum. 


How to find time / when ?

No matter how busy you are, everyone has time and willpower to write a few sentences a day. If you dont have 5 minutes, you don’t have a life. Let’s be honest, its not about whether you have time, its about whether you want to journal or not. If you feel like you dont have time to journal, you will be one of those people who benefit from journaling the most. Journal first thing in the morning. It will help you prepare your mind for anything you need to tackle that day. In the evening, reviewing your day helps to ease your mind so you get a better sleep.