Triple Your Joy in Life

Psychologist Martin Seligman created the method called "The Three Good Things Exercise for More Happiness." He's considered an expert on happiness & depression and stands among the foremost psychologists of the 20th century.

Human beings tend to focus more on the negative experiences leading to anxiety, depression, and a sense of inadequacy.

Luckily, by shifting our thoughts towards positive events, we can counter this negative bias and enhance our overall well-being. To do so, follow these 3 steps each night before going to sleep:

  • Step 1: Think of 3 good things that happened today. 

    It could be anything that brings you joy. It doesn't have to be significant; even the smallest things count. Moreover, looking back, we often realize that the small things were the big things.

    For example, savoring the taste of your breakfast or hearing your favorite song on the radio.

  • Step 2: Write down these three positive things. 

  • Step 3: Reflect on WHY they happened or WHY you put them on the list. Determining the "WHY" of the event is the most critical part of this exercise.

    For example, you might say that hearing your favorite song on the radio was just what you needed to make your commute to work better. Or that you are grateful you had the time to enjoy your breakfast.

    You get to decide the reasons for each event that make sense to you.

It's easy to forget the good things we already have in our pursuits of more. Shifting our focus each evening to the positive things in our lives, no matter how small opens a door for a better, more joyful life. 

P.S.: If you want to start with this practice to find more joy, start journaling with Joyrnal. The Joyrnal covers 16 weeks with daily questions that only take a few minutes to write. It will help you begin and keep your journaling practice to have more joy, calm your mind, become more productive, and sleep better.